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The enterprise may change its business location during the operation to match the market situation. Specifically, businesses have to move their working location to another place with a richer source of customers. At that time, businesses will have to follow the procedures prescribed by law. changing head of business address

With many years of experience in carrying out procedures for businesses, LawPlus would like to send customers important information related to the procedure for changing business addresses. changing head of business address



According to Article 42 of the Enterprise Law 2020, the head office of an enterprise is located in the Vietnamese territory, is the contact address of the enterprise, and is determined according to the boundary of the administrative unit; has a phone number, fax number and email (if any). In some cases, businesses need to change the address of their headquarters, such as: Finding a suitable place to conduct transactions with customers or other agencies or Finding a place with a more suitable customer market. Accordingly, the change of the head office address will have to comply with the law on business. 


Currently, the registration for a change a head of business address is carry out according to the following steps: 

Step 1: Carry out the procedure for change of public office. companies in different districts, and different provinces at the tax office  

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 47 of Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP on enterprise registration, before registering to change the address of the head office to a district, district, province, or centrally run city other than where the head office is located If the main office leads to a change in the tax authority, the enterprise must carry out the procedures with the tax authority related to the relocation in accordance with the tax laws.

The dossier to change the company’s address from another district or province at the tax office includes the following: 

– Minutes of meeting on change of business registration and relocation of head office to another district; 

– Decide on the change of business registration to move the head office; 

– Dispatch to tax on applying for tax closing for transferring districts; 

– Declaration of adjustment of tax registration information, made according to form 08-MST issued together with Circular 95/2016/TT-BKHDT; 

– Certified copy of business registration certificate.

– Letter of introduction for the applicant. 

Step 2: Prepare documents to change the head of business address 

In case of changing the address of the head office, the enterprise shall send the application for change of business registration contents to the Business Registration Office where the new head office is located. 

A dossier includes the following documents:

– Notice of change of business registration information signed by the enterprise’s legal representative;

– Resolutions and decisions of the company owner, for one-member limited liability companies; resolution, decision, and copy of the meeting minutes of the Members’ Council, for limited liability companies with two or more members, partnerships, of the General Meeting of Shareholders, for joint-stock companies, on the transfer of shares. address of the head office of the enterprise; 

– Power of attorney in case of asking individuals to perform. 

In case the company’s seal has old address information, it is necessary to re-engrave the seal. At the same time, notify the new seal sample to the business registration agency as well as to the tax office.

Step 3: Submit your application at the Business Registration Office 

– After receiving the application, the Business Registration Office hands over the receipt of the application to the applicant. The Business Registration Office approves the application on the National Information System for Business Registration and returns the results to the enterprise within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the valid application.

– In case the application is not valid or the name of the business requested for registration needs to be in accordance with regulations, the Business Registration Office will notify in writing the content that needs to be amended and supplemented to the founder of the enterprise or enterprise within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

Step 4: Get the result 

After 3-5 working days, the representative of the enterprise will receive the results of the change of address at the business registration office. 

– If the application is valid: The result will include 

– If the application is not valid: The Business Registration Office will send a notice of the amendment and supplement of the business registration. 

The above is important information for businesses if they are in need of changing the address of the company’s headquarters. Any questions, you can contact us via the hotline at +84 2862 779 399; +84 3939 30 522 or email to be directly answered and consulted by the LawPlus team.

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